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HomeBusinessBest time to Post on Facebook for Likes in 2020

Best time to Post on Facebook for Likes in 2020

The reason behind the use of Facebook that it is still more effective, that it has ability to impact your business and daily social media activities.

If you want to gain attention from Facebook then your strategy on social media’s largest platform Facebook is to be strong.

As you know Facebook has millions of daily users and the quantity of uploaded data is also very big.

So, if you want to gain such engagement from Facebook, it should be important to learn these tactics.

“I think or it’s my personal opinion, that is if you want to gain organic engagement from Facebook then set your goal around post sharing. 

Sharing of any type of content is the master stock in your social media strategy or I think it is must essential part of posting on Facebook” 

First, let me share my experiences of posting at various time intervals on Facebook, at my profile, pages, and in groups too. 

I have done a lot of experiments on Facebook for increasing likes or engagements.

I saw some of my posts have a very good response and some of my posts have low numbers of likes or engagements.

Conclusions on the basis of these experiments.

“The most important thing I notice,

that is the Quality of Content”

As you all are curious about yourself and the primary thing is that you want to post on Facebook that liked by your friends on Facebook. 

I think it is the most important thing on Facebook for getting more & more likes. 

This is because if your content or your post is failed to put a good impression on your friends, your followers or group members, then there is no chance of much more likes.

Therefore, before moving forward, I want to clear some factors which impact your performance of likes on the basis of various time intervals.

Content is King

Range of the content

Timing of your posting

Is there are a value of your content on Facebook

Efforts by Facebook to show your content Impressions

Best time to Post on Facebook for Likes according to the type of content

This is the main key factor, on the basis of which your post gain more & more likes, let me explain.

The Morning time interval

5 am to 8 am 

This is the time when you wake up from sleeping and your mind filled full of freshness (If only when you take a proper sleep).

Okay, during this time interval the posted content should be something very good for your audience, which not affects their morning freshness.

This will increase your chances to get more likes.

For examples

In the early morning, a person wants to be positive, such as positive reading, positive visuals, audio, thinking, etc.

If your posted content is a mixture of this positiveness then definitely you get more likes on your posts. 

So what type of content should you post on Facebook for more likes during this interval of time?

According to me,

Something different, whose audience waits in their early morning

Good & Positive Quotes

Inspiring someone

Believe in God

Something latest which will fill your audience’s mood full of energy, etc.

8 am to 10 am

Remember that, in this time interval most of person are in a hurry.

The common phrase during this time is “I am getting late“.

This is often seen that students say their mom or dad that is, I am getting late, similarly, dad preparing for office or their work, similarly working women and many other people. 

Overall, during this time most the persons are in a hurry if we talk about today’s lifestyle.

So what type of content should you post on during this interval of time?

You can post like,

Give some positive ideas to your audience 

Post something entertaining

Positive vibe, funny things

Focused post at your niche, etc

Always remember that this time interval is very important because no one has time to see your Facebook posts.

If they see your Facebook posts especially at your Facebook page or in your Facebook groups then I think they desire something valuable from you. 

This is because time is the most valuable thing in everyone’s life. 

10 am to 12 pm 

This is my personal opinion that during this time most of the people are at work.

Whatever be its offices, schools, colleges or any other activities or work.

Therefore, during this time you can Pre-preparation of your content.

This is because people are at work and they will see your post during the launch break otherwise whenever they free from work.

So you can understand.

Afternoon to Evening and last till Night.

12 pm to 3 pm

During this time of interval, a lunch break happens, and between 2 pm to 3 pm, students may be free from schools and colleges, etc.

This time can be measured as a time period of relaxation. 

During this time you can post like

Something entertaining which suits your niche good

Funny things maybe a joke or pics 

3 pm to 7 pm

During this time period,

you can post anything which relevant to your niche or something else.

The probability of getting likes during this time period totally depends on your content’s quality.

Because this is the time when many peoples come from offices or their work, from colleges and also came back after playing and many other activities.

I think during this time period people have enough time to scroll down social media.

(Here I will suggest don’t addict to social media).

7 pm to 10 pm

I think this is also the best time to post on Facebook for likes that is similar to the morning time (5 am to 7 am).

During this time period if you completed your work such as study, household work, office work, homework, and many other things.

Then before taking dinner or after dinner, you have a little much time to scroll down social media or other kinds of stuff. 

What type of posts you can try,

You can try something entertaining

Something different which can make others think

Something related to your niche

videos, funny things

Which motivate others for tomorrow

Health tips and career-based ideas

Social media security or information security

Awareness regarding any topic, etc.

10 pm to 12 am

Personally I think this time is not good to post anything on Facebook.

This is because getting likes during this time period is very hard because your mind is filled full of all-day activities or work. 

The human body and mind want to take sleep or rest during this time.

Therefore, I suggest you stay away from all electronic gadgets before sleeping and take a must proper sleep. 

But, this is my own suggestion to you, if you want to post, then you can. 

Now I and you discuss the holidays or Saturday/Sunday like events.

As you often saw that on holidays or some other events the performance report of your content changes.

This is because during this time(the event happens in the whole year) specific content is more valuable as compared to random content.

This will sometimes disturb your niche idea or properties.

Let us talk about those factors and analyze the best time to post on Facebook for likes.

The Saturday / Sunday twist.

There is always a twist on Saturday and Sunday posting on Facebook-like social media platforms.

I analyze the insight reports of my posting content on Facebook during the Saturday and Sunday.

Also, as you know on Sunday, which is a holiday every week, people are free from their work and other kinds of works like school holidays, colleges, etc. 

Post timing on Saturday

On Saturday you can follow the previous working days’ schedule for posting your content on Facebook.

On Saturday the people are in a partial working mode.

There may be a difference in the number of likes on Facebook but I suggest you follow your regular posting schedule on Saturday.

If you get fewer likes on Saturday, maybe it happens that covered on next day, which is a Sunday.

Post timing on Sunday

I think on Sunday your posting style should be matched with your audience interest.

You can make a report card of your content during the Sunday.

On behalf of this report card, you can choose a post on Facebook to get maximum likes.

Therefore, on Sunday you may follow your niche or you can make different experiments on the basis of content.

best time to post on facebook for likes
One of the FB page, the insight report


The relation between best posting time & post sharing. 

As I mention to you at the very beginning of this article, that is, sharing on your content makes it viral on Facebook.

But, it totally depends on what type of content you post. 

As you know content is the King. 

Therefore, if you are able to find the best time for a post on Facebook then there is always a chance of getting a good sharing on your post.

More sharing → More organic reach → More engagements = More likes

As you know sharing is a kind of chain reaction, as a result ultimately you may get more & more likes on your profile, on your page, and in groups. 

Now let me discuss particular niche or business-related post timing or the best time for them.

best time to post on facebook for likes
One of the FB page, the insight report for likes

The best time to post on Facebook for business.

If you have a business idea or a business startup plan, making a Facebook business can help you a lot.

Facebook has millions of users with different-different mindsets. 

If you want to grow your business on Facebook you should follow the timing or the time periods.

Some of the businesses are time-dependent and they have a particular timing. 

For example, if you want to grow your business on festivals or on a special day, your post must be set in accordance with the occasion. 

Like you can not promote winter things in summers. 

Hence, for the best time to post on Facebook for the business, you must have a strategy or plans regarding them.

Sometimes it depends on your mentality and far-vision. 

This is because if there is present best time period to post something on Facebook or other social media networks then what will be the value of businesses. 

Therefore, what is the best time of post for your business, it’s answer is not as easy as you imagine.

Hence, post timing for business maybe depend on, 

Your business idea or niche

The timing which suits your business best

Pickup an idea from insight reports or manually generated analysis

For me it is, 

Quality in business + value to user + Timing impact = Profit in business

If you give some value to your user or customers in business,

Whether it can be in the form of a helpful idea, you can manage a time period to post something, for the growth of your business. 

Facebook’s point of view

According to Facebook’s point of view, a report by shows that the algorithm using by Facebook loves some kind of stuff like,

More likes + more comments + More share = More Organic reach 

If you post on a trending topics

If your post is liked, comments and share my most of friends

High graph of organic reach (in the form of likes, comments, shares) in a very short period of time. 

Live sessions by profile or pages or in groups

There are many other factors on which Facebook works.

But, not all factors 100% or sometimes partially satisfy the rule of the best time of post on Facebook for likes.

For example, a live session, which can happen at any time during the day or week or special events, etc.  

Therefore, sometimes the idea of the perfect time for posting on Facebook has to do dropped.

Hence, sometimes the line that is “There is no shortcut in life” is comes to be true. 

Timing for Instagram
best time to post on facebook for likes
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

As you know Facebook is the parent platform for Instagram.

Therefore, some of the timing schedules on Instagram for posting may be matched with Facebook.

But, I think the overall strategy of Instagram for Posting content is not as same as Facebook.

In fact, I think it’s more complicated as compared to Facebook. 

But, Don’t worry I will try to make a report analysis on the timing of post on Instagram, with the help of which you may get the best time of post on Insta.

Final thoughts.

All these timing period which is given above in this article are based on the Facebook Insight reports and my own content analysis.

It is not mandatory that you should follow these timing strategies for posting on Facebook for getting likes.

But, with the use of these tactics, you can make your own insight report for good performance on Facebook or in Facebook business. 

Hope you understand.

Thank you for Reading…

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